Saturday, February 2, 2013

Leave Her Alone! I am old enough to be her mother....  I admit I do enjoy Taylor Swift.  Her songs have a way of getting in my head and I find myself singing along - loud - in the car.  Lately, there has been a backlash towards her.  The "I wouldn't let my son date her" is so uncalled for and downright mean.

So her songs are about her life.  So what.  Isn't that what songwriters do....use their experiences as fodder for their music.   I mean, please.  Didn't Fleetwood Mac write a whole album about their "love" lives!  Why is it okay for them but not her?  I think it is because people are just mean.  Oh and they want their 15 minutes of limelight!

You go girl.  Keep writing.

My 2 ¢.....