Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Still waiting.......

Apparently..... my invitation to the Royal Wedding is lost in the mail for surely the Queen would not slight me AGAIN !! The back story....

A few years ago, we (my family and I) we living in the UK and during this time the Queen hosted a reception for those Americans working in the UK. Some sort of celebration of the 400 years since the Jamestown settlement. My husband brings home the invite and I was thrilled to say the least. I am a huge fan of the royal family - watched to BIG wedding and the other one; sat up late into the night awaiting info on Princess Diana and was glued to the telly for her funeral..... after I screamed and dance my little happy dance, I looked over the invite. Oh it was beautiful...right up to the point where I noticed that it was addressed to my husband and only my husband! Well....surely it meant Mr. X and guest....surely they expected me to attend with him. Right? Wrong....I made him go into work the next day and speak with the British representative to find out what the skinny was and if I could attend. He called me after hearing the horrible news to which I told him I hope he enjoyed himself however I would never get over this. Needless to say, I remind him often of this huge gaff.

He went to the reception and met the Queen and Prince Phillip and even used the facilities. So you can see how I can't believe my invite hasn't arrived for surely she wouldn't do it to me AGAIN!

Just my 2 ¢.....